

It can be a bit challenging to find someone that doesn’t want something from you when they learn how you are, so, it just feels easier (instinctive) to give what you can so that they don’t ask you for what you can’t give - but that doesn’t halt it now, does it? It more often than not seems like an invitation to press in for much more whether or not you have it to give, after all you extended the ‘hand of fellowship or openness or generosity’ first, why is it then so difficult to give more? It’s a rat race now, working to make sure everyone else is satisfied, and while you’re drained, you’re glad (or is it relief you feel?) that everyone is now fine (or will at least not require any more from you momentarily 🤷🏽‍♀️), so, you mentally relive the hurdles you jumped over to make it all happen and you’re pleased (or surprised) that you could go that far to make I happen (or stretch that thin and not snap). Now, when there’s someone who always looks out for you, who knowing who and how you ...

Counting on - Where it all started

It's been what? 4 years since my very first post on here! So much has happened in the past few years, I've had as many lessons as I have experiences! Ther e's so much to write! It was my first wedding anniversary about this time last month, and reminiscing made me remember the journey to this place and things I wished I had done differently, which in posts to follow I'll share about in the most vulnerable but relatable way. So, I had just gone through and gotten to the end of the roughest relationship of my entire life, and it marked the beginning of a life of revelation of God through the Holyspirit - maybe the new birth experience for me that I had always craved (that I'm just realising what it probably was), a whole new life - perspective, wisdom, understanding; wholly dependent on God. Now, this is not to say that I was consistent (because, natural man) but in the years that followed this incident, I can wholeheartedly say I experienced my best years from this p...

The Clean up

I got to share this piece with my church family at one of our weekly fellowship meetings in February. I thought to share it here as well, but in more detail and with more composure! 😀 One fine morning in December, I picked up a broom and started sweeping up a part of the house. I’d been told the day before that a guest I had been expecting for a better part of the year would probably be visiting that day. The uncertainty didn’t stop me from cleaning up (well, not the spring cleaning type cleaning o), and just as I was sweeping down the stairs, the Holy Spirit whispered clearly to my hearing, “You ought to live like this” and I immediately understood. My mind drifted back to a time in my undergraduate days when a friend did a brief exposition on the Parable of the 10 virgins in Matthew 25:1-13 and called my friends and me to share his findings. I decided to do a bit of studying for myself. The facts I found interesting are as follows: General characteristics There were ...

The Stretch; Lessons.

In hindsight, I see that I had become the biggest chick in the nest! I was not willing to get out of the nest because it was safe there, and I knew I was God’s own so, why won't He want me safe, you know? Well, when God was ready for me ehn, He literally pushed me out of the nest. I had thought I would die from the fall . All I knew to do was sit and possibly move around a little bit in the nest, but none of that was working as I was plunging down with great speed! Truths and reality I never saw coming hit me so hard they almost knocked me flat out. Panic stricken and trying to find a way to break the free-fall, I knew that I had to try something else – something I had seen but never done or even thought of trying to do. I began to stretch out wings I didn't realise had grown such beautiful feathers. Obviously, the presence of feathers doesn’t guarantee proper coordinated flight for a fledgling but at least it would break the fall. Stretching out” is pretty muc...


So, the other day, while meditating, I remembered a seemingly ordinary event that occurred earlier in the day. I thought of a precious little girl I know. It was a bright Sunday morning, one of those combined services at church; they had just arrived at church – momma and baby - and in no time, the little girl was running about, throwing smiles at anyone who cared to acknowledge her presence. Her mom had settled into a seat next to me and we carried on with service. By the time we were about to sing the first hymn, her little girl had settled back into her arms, and was so curiously flipping the pages of the hymn book with a demeanour like she was going to ‘sang’ that hymn! Later on (still during service! 😀), I spoke with her mom. We had seen her little girl copy our actions during the prayer session, and so, I teased her about it. She began gushing excitedly about her baby’s progress: how her little girl now stands on her own, and tries to feed herself unassisted and mim...