The Clean up

I got to share this piece with my church family at one of our weekly fellowship meetings in February. I thought to share it here as well, but in more detail and with more composure! 😀

One fine morning in December, I picked up a broom and started sweeping up a part of the house. I’d been told the day before that a guest I had been expecting for a better part of the year would probably be visiting that day. The uncertainty didn’t stop me from cleaning up (well, not the spring cleaning type cleaning o), and just as I was sweeping down the stairs, the Holy Spirit whispered clearly to my hearing, “You ought to live like this” and I immediately understood. My mind drifted back to a time in my undergraduate days when a friend did a brief exposition on the Parable of the 10 virgins in Matthew 25:1-13 and called my friends and me to share his findings. I decided to do a bit of studying for myself.

The facts I found interesting are as follows:

General characteristics
  • There were ten of them. Some wise and some foolish but they were all virgins/maidens
  • They were expecting their bridegroom
  • They had lamps which required oil

  • They all took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom (v.1)
  • While waiting on the bridegroom’s arrival, they became drowsy and fell asleep (v.5)
  • They all heard the ‘call’, woke up and trimmed their lamps (v. 6-7)


Foolish Virgins
Wise Virgins
They went out with their lamps alone
They went out with their lamps, and took oil in jars
They pleaded for oil from the wise virgins
They didn’t give any oil. Instead they gave suggestions on where the former could get oil
They eventually rushed off looking for oil to buy
They refilled their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom
Ready (v.10)

The summary of the parable is the bridegroom was a long way off. Though the virgins were unsure of how close he was, they went out to meet with him with their lamps. They all lounged away and were called suddenly to meet the bridegroom. The foolish virgins had to hurry off to purchase some more oil for their lamps since they weren’t able to get any from the wise virgins and while they were away, the bridegroom arrived, the gates were shut and ceremony began. The foolish virgins were denied entry when they returned.

We can hypothetically say:
  • The virgins = Christians
  • The Bridegroom = Jesus Christ
  • The lamp = Our life…our light
  • The oil = the Holy Spirit, the anointing upon us
With this understanding, we can go back over the characteristics (similarities and differences too if we have the time) and see just how real it feels.

The characteristics will look something like:
  • There are Christians, some wise and some foolish
  • They are expecting Jesus Christ
  • They require the Holy Spirit to live right
The parable is the perfect illustration of how we ought to live: ready!

Just as it is when we’re expecting an august visitor; we clean up the house, prepare things to entertain with, look good, get ourselves and the members of our family on their best behaviour and all – It is important we live prepared for Jesus’ coming. As Christians, we know Jesus Christ went back to the Father to prepare a place for us (John 14:2) and is coming back to take us home soon (for sure!!). Unlike my visitor that I wasn’t sure would come, Jesus will be back to take us home. It is only reasonable to keep our lives ‘clean’, waiting for Him – living ready.

I ought to live ready, I know. But how?

I don’t think it is anyone’s intention to be a ‘foolish’ Christian. We’d all like to be wise or at least termed wise but it won’t just happen. We have to be intentional about living right. We cannot just stumble into righteous living or holiness. Also, we cannot do it alone or in our own strength – I mean, we are only in a continuous battle between the flesh and the Spirit (Galatians 5:17) - and the Bible helps us understand that we cannot please God in the flesh (Romans 8:8), so living for Him in the flesh is impossible (flesh here meaning the sinful nature).
We can examine (and possibly adopt) what exactly the virgins did that caused them to be termed wise and hopefully the practicality of their example will give us more understanding.

   -   The wise virgins went out with their lamps, and took oil in jars: They went about their lives and allowed the Holy Spirit work in their lives.
It’s easy to think the 'anointing' we received when we first get born again can carry us through life (that is a life that honours and pleases God in every way). If we’ve been Christians for even a short time, we know it isn’t so. It’s important we constantly renew our minds with the word of God for the fresh anointing to get through life. The impartation you received during that amazing Sunday service cannot get you through the week! You’d be lucky if it lasts till Wednesday sef! It’s so important to get into the word of God, meditate on it, let it get settled on the inside and let the Holy Spirit work it out in you.
It’s easy to run on empty and not even know it.

   -    They didn’t give any oil. Instead they gave suggestions on where the former could get oil: They didn’t give any ‘anointing’ – it wasn’t theirs to give in the first place. The way I see it, it happened that the wise virgins didn’t share their oil because the foolish virgins needed to see and know what was required and how important the oil was for them to get through the period of waiting on the bridegroom – the wise virgins were models.
      We are ambassadors for God as Christians. The way we live should make people want what we have; to know God intimately the way we do, want to experience Him and have that kind of relationship. It’s our responsibility, a call - like it or not - to point people back to our Source, back to God Almighty. It’s not to get infatuated with the light you carry that you decide you are capable or powerful enough to transform lives. We just cannot! (John 6:44). We shouldn’t get carried away by the gifts God has given us. As much as people look up to us, we should make them see who we look up to and help them with their journey to connecting to the Source, not turn ourselves to idols. We’re only channels and are not irreplaceable in God’s workforce. God forbid that we’re replaced…we’d dry up in no time at all, running on empty!
Back to the source, always back to the Source.

   -     They trimmed and refilled their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom: They renewed their minds/lives. The term “trimmed” here, I choose to believe means to sincerely examine oneself – our own hearts. Renewal of the mind comes through a working personal relationship with God.
Our lives can only be fully functional when God is present in and in total control of it. We know that He is big, powerful and in control of everything imaginable, yet we have something placed within us that is very strong – our free will. I (in my personal walk) have come to know that God will not invade if you don’t invite Him to (except it will utterly destroy His plans for you). The Holy Spirit is just there on standby waiting for you to allow Him work. Giving your free will to Him will make ALL the difference.
This is God the Almighty – who knows the end from inception; by whom all things which were made were made; who works all things out for our good! I mean, who better to let lead the course of your life? Letting go could tear your flesh to bits (but that’s what we should want, right…knowing it is impossible to please God in the flesh) but through all that helplessness our faith grows. Building up our personal relationship with God makes this easier, as we get to know Him and trust Him, letting Him lead naturally becomes easier.
It would entail spending time with God in prayer, Bible study, meditation and all. I don’t think there’s a formula to it. We’re all fearfully and wonderfully made, and unique in our own way so find what works for you and stick to it. It shouldn’t feel like a chore. If it does, you’re doing it wrong!
Edify you, glorify God. Willingly letting go of your desires for God’s is a sacrifice…a sweet smelling savour unto the Lord (in old testament terms 😁) and it never goes unrewarded (but the reward shouldn't be our motivation to, our love for Him should).

In plainer terms;
Get rooted in the word of God:  As believers, we must know what is in God’s word in order to fully follow God faithfully. The Word is the source of life (John 1:1-5, 9) and it is from the fullness of our relationship with God that life springs forth from us (James 1:21)

Build a personal relationship with God: It is in God you will find your true identity – who you truly are (Romans 12:2)

Commit to consciously staying clean daily: Keep our thoughts, words and actions pure (1 Timothy5:22b) and also help others do the same

Let’s evaluate:
How ordered is your ‘house’?

Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. How tidy is it? How tidy is your heart and mind?

There would be things, habits and attitudes we would have to let go completely to stay clean much like we’ll have to trash some things to keep our homes clean. Imagine sweeping up a room (I mean by hand o) and leaving the dirt in a corner of the room. It’s only a matter of time before one would have to throw it out because it could mess up the room again and even faster (if it gets ‘disturbed’) or it could just sit there looking ugly.
I’ve heard someone say: “Your true character is revealed in the things you do when there are no spectators.” Who are you when no one is watching? What do you do? God-pleasing or praise worthy things? What is on the inside will grow and there will be no covering up or hiding it when it starts to show good or evil. (Matthew 15:18; 12:34; Luke 6:45; Proverbs 4:23). Any kind of work to be done should begin from the inside.

We are expecting Jesus and should live like we are. Clear out the clutter and rearrange, maintain the achieved cleanness by constantly ‘dusting’ – examining our own lives in relation to what God has called us to, not in comparison to anyone; not your mentor or your parents or your friends.
It is not easy but it is possible, and we cannot possibly do it by our own will or strength. God is there to help us and through Him, it is not only possible, we’ll be able to do it well (Philippians 4:13); talk of enabling grace - grace to live and walk in the Spirit, the grace to live according to His standards because that’s all that is really truly important.
It is possible that one could grow weary from the wait and 'fall into slumber' like the virgins did, but our connection with God, even through the Holy Spirit will never let us be comfortable in that state - reason why we need to stay connected to God.

One of the wise things I understand that the foolish virgins did was go out to get their own oil for their lamps. Sometimes, I imagine how great it would have been if they did so earlier. Grace is available for us now, we should connect to it.

Ask God to show you the things in your life you need to get rid of and ask for His help to be rid of them completely. Also, ask Him to help you live wholly for Him.


  1. Let's get ready, and be always ready.
    The Visitor must meet the house clean.
    Daily we have the Holy Spirit, are we receiving and hosting Him in a clean house?
    The oil is the Holy Spirit.
    Keep the oil fresh and available.


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